How to Energize the Brow Chakra

How to Energize the Brow Chakra

The brow chakra (or Third Eye) is the link between our highest consciousness and basic instincts. Located between the eyes, this chakra influences the integrity of our brain, eyes, ears, nose, nervous system and pituitary gland. What follows are energy techniques designed to charge the brow chakra.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Visualize the brow chakra radiating with indigo light. With each inhalation, see the chakra expand until you are engulfed by its deep purple light. Place the middle finger of your right hand on the chakra and slowly rotate it in a clockwise fashion. Imagine that you are polishing the chakra until it radiates like a cleansed crystal. Continue this exercise for 10 to 20 minutes then lie down and relax.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms facing up, gently apply pressure to the joint between the first and second phalanges of the thumb and message in a clockwise motion. Repeat this procedure with each foot locating the joint between the first and second phalanges of your big toe.


Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for 5 minutes to quiet your mind. When you are ready, place your right thumb against your right nostril, your second and third fingers on the brow chakra and your fourth and fifth fingers against the left nostril. Close your left nostril with your fourth and fifth fingers while inhaling deeply through your right nostril. Close your right nostril with your thumb as you open your left nostril by releasing it with your fingers and exhale through your left nostril. Keeping your right nostril closed, inhale slowly through the left nostril. Close your left nostril again while releasing the right and exhale slowly. This completes one round of the exercise. Begin another round by inhaling through the right nostril and repeating the aforementioned process. Continue until you have completed 8 to 10 rounds.


Try the "Om" mantra exercise. This mantra is composed of 3 sounds: a (as in "are), u (as in "go") and m (as in "mmm"). Find a comfortable position, inhale to a count of 7 and begin to intone the sound "a" from the back of your mouth for a count of 4. Without stopping, continue with "u" moving the sound to the front of your mouth for another four count. Finish by pressing your lips together to produce the humming "m" sound for a count of 8. When you are out of breath, inhale deeply and repeat the mantra.

How to Energize the Base Chakra

How to Energize the Base Chakra

The base chakra is said to be the seat of our procreation, survival and base instincts. Located between the anus and the genitals, this chakra, also known as the "root centre," influences the vitality of our blood, spine, legs, nervous and reproductive systems. What follows are some energy and meditation techniques designed to charge this chakra and bring health to your body.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down the crown your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Picture the base chakra as a red ball of healing energy. As you inhale, visualize this red energy being pulled up from the earth, through the soles of your feet and legs filling your base chakra. As you exhale, picture the energy radiating in your base chakra before returning to the earth. Perform this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes, noting any changes.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms up, locate the bulbous part of the radius just below the base of your thumb and wrist. Exert pressure on the area by gently massaging the point in a clockwise motion. Repeat this procedure with each foot, locating the point at the lower back edge of the heel bone.


Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for about 5 minutes to quiet your mind. Begin by breathing in to a count of 5 and out to a count of 5. If you find this difficult, reduce the counting number to 3. As you breathe, focus on the air as it enters and leaves your nostrils. Continue this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes, visualizing your base chakra being charged with liquid white light.


Try the "Lam" mantra exercise. Find a comfortable position and intone the Lam mantra (pronounce the "a" as in "barn"). Take a deep breath in and open your mouth as you intone the first part of the mantra "laaa." Gently bring your lips together to intone "mmmm." When you are out of breath, inhale deeply and repeat the mantra, finding a tone that works best for you.

How to Empower your Life with 10 Empowerment Tips

How to Empower your Life with 10 Empowerment Tips

Do you know how to empower your life? Have you tried and failed. I'm sure you would love to know what the secrets to success are wouldn't you? Then read on...


Lets begin and have some FUN!

1. What is it you REALLY want? Why have I put this as number one? Because UNLESS you really understand what you want, you will waft around in the breeze and at best only partially hit your target. Most people have an 'idea' of what they want, and until you look at it specifically, you wont have a clear understanding. Being 'happy' is not a goal. It's a feeling, and a transient one! Think about it, can you 'hold' happy? Happiness comes as a result of your outcome. I now weigh X and I feel happy and etc.. you see the difference?

TIP: GET crystal clear on what you REALLY want.


2. Decide to Commit: 100% to your outcome. How many times have you started something yet to give up after a few days or weeks? I am certain it isn't because of a lack of effort. A decision is where you have commit, 100%. Unless you have reached your goal, you weren't committed! Understand that, you may have felt you were committed and if you are reacting right now, it's most likely you THOUGHT you were and yet didn't understand the difference between the committment and the possibility of the outcome. Remember, there is no failure only feedback. So if life isn't delivering for you, that is feedback. Chose something different.


3. Write down your goals. Now you may have heard this one before. But it is SO important to have a plan of where you want to go! Would you sail the great oceans without a map and expect to get to the other side? You might, but you might just end up going round Cape Horn, one of the most treacherous waters in the world. Your Goals are your Life Map. Are you floating around the great ocean of life hoping to land on the shores of wealth, health, fitness and happiness?


4. Find a mentor or coach someone you TRUST. We are designed to be in community with other people. Who says you have to do it all by yourself? Isn't it better to share the journey? Being accountable for our actions isn't about punishment. It's about getting other people you trust to be your mirror. This is a great guide for you, to be accountable to another. And this person needs to be able to be in a position to challenge you on why you haven't completed what you set out to do. Believe me, it will propel you towards your SUCCESS!


5. Take ACTION! You may think Action should be the last thing. Even with the best Goals as your Life's Map, nothing will change unless you take Action. It's the MOST important step that is overlooked. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can attract what ever you want into your life by positive thoughts and do nothing! This is the missing key. You may not like it at first, and you will come to LOVE it when you begin to see your results. And after all, that is what you want.


You are how half way through your 10 Empowerment Tips. I have a special FREE e Book for you to continue on with empowering your life. I am sure you would love to know the next 5 steps in the series, so why don't you go to my website and download your e Book. hppt:// and resgister right on the front page!

Tips & Warnings

TIP1: GET crystal clear on what you REALLY want.

TIP 2: Decide to COMMIT 100% to your outcome where nothing will get in your way. You will do what it takes.

TIP 3:Write down your GOALS and view them as your Map along your journey.

Tip: Find a mentor or coach.

Tip: Write down small chunks of action steps out of your BIGGER picture goals. for example: if your life area is financial wealth and you haven't a budget then do that first. If you are finding it difficult to do, then the next action is to find someone to help you.

GET my FREE e Book that tells it all!

How to Ease Stress With Feldenkrais

How to Ease Stress With Feldenkrais

Feldenkrais is a form of therapy based on the premise that even our movements have unconscious memories. If we learn to access and change stressful memories, we can acquire greater physical and emotional balance. Developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, an Russian expert in physics, mechanical engineering and the ancient martial art of judo, Fedlenkrais has become helpful to many people, including those with chronic pain or high levels of stress. Read on to learn more.


Use Feldenkrais to ease stress by sitting quietly in a chair. Slowly become aware of how the various parts of your body make contact with the chair and how your feet make contact with the floor. Also notice the strength and movement of your breathing.


Think of a problem, something that's really gotten under your skin lately. Focus on it and notice what emotions appear, how you feel about them and what you would like to do about the problem. Notice if your body starts to feels differently from before, such as if you feel closer or further away from your chair. Notice if your breathing is different from before and if it feels tight, notice what muscle areas seem affected.


Continue to notice changes in your body and breathing. These changes are scientifically known as your "individual stress response pattern," the programmed-from-birth way you handle stress. Sit quietly a few more minutes, then again think of the problem. If you notice your body's reaction and breathing increasing, increase it more; if it's decreasing, decrease it more. Then let it go, sit and rest.


Recheck your body's contact with the chair and your feet with the floor and notice your breathing. Think of these as your body's anchor back to inner calm. Think again about the problem, but once you no longer feel yourself anchored to the chair and the floor, detach from the stressful feelings and return your body to its previous position in the chair and your feet to the floor and allow your breathing to even out.


Practice this routine daily with the eventual goal of not responding to stress as dramatically as usual. This is Feldenkrais, the ability to use your body to regulate your movements and the reaction it produces in your nervous system. Once learned, it is a true gift.

Tips & Warnings

Feldenkrais private lessons, referred to as "Functional Integration," are advantageous since a teacher actually guides your movements by touch. Group classes, known as "Awareness Through Movement," involves several participants working through sequences of movements led verbally by a teacher.

A professionally trained and certified Feldenkrais practitioner goes through three or four years of training. Accept nothing less when you seek Feldenkrais therapy.

How to Do the One Hour Healing Touch Sequence

How to Do the One Hour Healing Touch Sequence

The One Hour Healing Touch Sequence is a helpful guide when treating the entire body. The sequence provides a systematic way to gain valuable information and create a healing environment for the client. Learn how to perform this energy technique by following the steps below.


Interview your client. The intake assessment includes the client's reason for receiving treatment and their permission to treat.


Prepare for healing. The practitioner situates the client comfortably on the massage table and then blends energies with them through physical touch. The healer then centers himself and sets his intention for healing.


Complete a pre-treatment assessment. The client's energy field is assessed through hand scan, pendulum or other tools. The information is gathered and recorded on the client's treatment form.


Perform the Spiral Meditation, then follow it with the Chakra Connection. (To learn more about these techniques see related eHow articles "How to Do the Spiral Meditation" and "How to Do the Chakra Connection.")


Treat the client using any Healing Touch technique that is specific to the client's problem. Such treatment modalities include (but are not limited to) Pain Drain, Magnetic Clearing, Mind Clearing and intuitive work.


Conduct a post treatment energy assessment. Rescan or retest the client's field with a pendulum or other energy tool and note any changes. Record your findings in the client treatment note.


Close your client's spiral, then ground and release them to complete your energy treatment.


Evaluate your client's experience by noting any changes in relaxation, skin color and breathing. In addition, ask for their feedback regarding the treatment session and document all of your findings in the treatment note.

How to Make an Emergency Earring Back

How to Make an Emergency Earring Back

You are out at a cocktail party and all of a sudden you notice it. Your


about to fall from your lobe. The backing came off! Have no fear. You can save the earring until you make it to a jewelry shop with the help of some basic household items.

Things You'll Need:

Pen or pencil eraser


Find a pen or pencil that has a miniature eraser on the end of it.


Pull off the eraser and cut or pinch it down to a smaller size.


Stick it on the back of your earring in place of the original backing. Push the eraser up tight against the back of the earring to ensure it is properly in place.


Continue to enjoy the night with your earrings in place and no one will be the wiser. When you get home, arrange to take them to a jeweler or simply buy a real earring back to replace your lost one.

How to Make a Sash Belt

How to Make a Sash Belt

One of the easiest sewing projects you can do is to make a sash belt. Sash belts are a great way to dress up an otherwise boring outfit and add a bit of flair to your wardrobe. Read on for instructions on how to make a sash belt.

Things You'll Need:

Fabric, 1/4 yard

Sewing machine




Choose fabrics to make your sash belt. You can use leftover fabric from other projects, or you can purchase Вј yard from your local fabric store. I like to choose two coordinating patterns in the same colors, such as stripes and a solid color, and put them on opposite sides of the scarf.


Measure yourself to make your sash belt. To determine the length of your sash belt measure your waist and add at least 12 inches on each side. So if your waist is 30 inches, your sash belt should be 54 inches The fabric for your sash should be at least 4 inches wide for a 3-inch-wide belt.


Cut your fabric. Cut two long rectangles to make your sash belt according to your measurements. You may need to piece strips of fabric together to get the right length.


Sew your sash belt. Pin your strips of fabric together with the pattern facing in. With a sewing machine, sew down the length of each side of fabric. Try to make the seam no more than 1/2 inch on each side.


Turn your sash belt. Affix a large safety pin on one end of the sash belt and use it to thread the belt through itself until it is right side out. Then sew the sash belt flat, making sure the seams are crisp.


Finish the sash belt. Fold the ends of the sash belt inwards ВЅ inch and iron them flat. Next, hand-sew the ends closed.

Tips & Warnings

You can make the ends diagonal if you wish.

You can purchase buckles at the craft store if you wish.

Once you have perfected the rectangle sash belt, experiment by making the center wider and ends thin, and using different shapes.

attempting this project should be monitored when using the sewing machine

How to Make a Rhinestone Belt

How to Make a Rhinestone Belt

This rhinestone belt is studded, shiny and designed by you. Make the belt to fit any size or any style. Making a rhinestone belt allows you to personalize and decorate your own belt in whatever fashion you choose. Add a little "bling" to your wardrobe.

Things You'll Need:

1 1-1/2-inch belt with buckle


Stud covers

Super glue


Lay your belt out flat. Place pieces of paper over the belt and mark the belt's length and width. You use this later to create your design.


Draw out your design on the pieces of paper. Creating your design before you begin allows you to change certain aspects or move specific rhinestones.


Insert the rhinestones into their covers. Stud covers are the metal pieces that go over the back of rhinestones to make them look studded.


Place the rhinestones onto the belt in the design of your choice. Adjust the design as needed before you permanently add the rhinestones.


Place one dot of glue on the back of the rhinestones and attach them to the belt. If any glue squeezes out of the side of the rhinestones clean it quickly with warm water.


Allow the glue to dry completely.


Add rhinestones to the belt buckle. Place small stones around the belt buckle and metal belt buckle loop to decorate.

Tips & Warnings

Be careful not to get any super glue on your skin. If this does occur, wash the area immediately with warm water.

How to Make a Purse Out of Your Kids' Jeans or Pants

How to Make a Purse Out of Your Kids' Jeans or Pants

Instead of giving away your kid's old jeans, make a small purse with them! It seems like kids grow out of their pants as fast as you can buy them. Do not miss out on the opportunity to make these clever purses that you can give away as gifts or customize to match your wardrobe.

Not only will these bags be stylish, but you can make them in any color, with any decorative flare to match your taste. The pockets in the pants make great places to store your cell phone and you can hook your keys to the belt loops.

This is a great project to do with your kids. The decorating possibilities are endless!

Things You'll Need:

Old jeans or pants. Any size will work. The bigger the size, the bigger the purse!

A sewing machine (though you could do this by hand if you have the skills)

Thread in the color of your choice



Decorative beads or buttons(optional)

Fabric Markers (optional)


Using a pair of scissors, cut the legs off of the pants right above the crotch. This determines where the bottom of your purse will be. Do not cut into the zipper area.


Turn the pants inside-out and sew across the line you just cut to make the bottom of the purse. Use a zig zag stitch to do this as it will provide a stong stich that can hold the weight inside a purse. For more fun, do not turn the pants inside out. Rather, use a pretty colored thread and sew a zig zag stitch about 1/4 inch from your cut line. When you wash and dry the purse a few times, the leftover portion will onravel creating a fringed bottom.


Turn the purse right side out if necessary. For added security you should line the purse with a fabric of your choice. Do this by using the outside jean part as a template for determining the size and shape of your fabric. Wrap the fabric arond the underside of the jeans and cout around it. Fold fabric in half widthwise and sew up the sides making a pouch. With the right side on the fabric on the inside of the pouch fold over the top of the fabric and stitch around. Place pouch inside the jean part and use a whipstitch to attach it.


Cut a piece of ribbon the length you wish the strap or handle to be. Sew each end of the ribbon to the inside of the bag at the ouside hip seam. Be sure to fold over the ribbon to prevent fraying. A tight zig zag stitch works best for this.


To decorate your purse, use some more ribbon and put it through the belt loops of the pants and tie a bow. You sould sew the ends of the ribbon beforehand to prevent fraying. You may choose to tack the bow down with some thread so it will not come undone.


Use fabric markers, decorative beads, buttons, or anything else you can think of to decorate the bag. The possibilities are endless! Get creative!

Tips & Warnings

Because this bag will likely get used, it's a good idea to sew across the bottom twice to give extra strength.

If you don't have ribbon, you can use decrative rope, leather, or braided fabric scraps to make the strap.

How to Make a Purse Out of Old Jeans

How to Make a Purse Out of Old Jeans

Forget about giving the shirt off your back. To make this tote, you literally must pull the pants off your legs. Fortunately, you don't have to give them to anyone except yourself.

Things You'll Need:

Old jeans



Sewing machine or needle and thread


Cut a pair of old jeans just below the crotch, turn the pants inside out and sew closed, forming a pouch.


Use material from the legs to sew a handle.


Adorn with rhinestones, appliques, whatever. Anything goes!